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Compose Animation
. Since 1.0.0


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AnimatedContent is a container that automatically animates its content when targetState changes. Its content for different target states is defined in a mapping between a target state and a composable function.

IMPORTANT: The targetState parameter for the content lambda shouldalways* be taken into account in deciding what composable function to return as the content for that state. This is critical to ensure a successful lookup of all the incoming and outgoing content during content transform.

When targetState changes, content for both new and previous targetState will be looked up through the content lambda. They will go through a ContentTransform so that the new target content can be animated in while the initial content animates out. Meanwhile the container will animate its size as needed to accommodate the new content, unless SizeTransform is set to null. Once the ContentTransform is finished, the outgoing content will be disposed.

If targetState is expected to mutate frequently and not all mutations should be treated as target state change, consider defining a mapping between targetState and a key in contentKey. As a result, transitions will be triggered when the resulting key changes. In other words, there will be no animation when switching between targetStates that share the same same key. By default, the key will be the same as the targetState object.

By default, the ContentTransform will be a delayed fadeIn of the target content and a delayed scaleIn togetherWith a fadeOut of the initial content, using a SizeTransform to animate any size change of the content. This behavior can be customized using transitionSpec. If desired, different ContentTransforms can be defined for different pairs of initial content and target content.

AnimatedContent displays only the content for targetState when not animating. However, during the transient content transform, there will be more than one set of content present in the AnimatedContent container. It may be sometimes desired to define the positional relationship among the different content and the overlap. This can be achieved by defining contentAlignment and zOrderContentTransform.targetContentZIndex. By default, contentAlignment aligns all content to Alignment.TopStart, and the zIndex for all the content is 0f. Note: The target content will always be placed last, therefore it will be on top of all the other content unless zIndex is specified.

Different content in AnimatedContent will have access to their own AnimatedContentScope. This allows content to define more local enter/exit transitions via AnimatedContentScope.animateEnterExit and AnimatedContentScope.transition. These custom enter/exit animations will be triggered as the content enters/leaves the container.

label is an optional parameter to differentiate from other animations in Android Studio.



fun <S> AnimatedContent(
    targetState: S,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    transitionSpec: AnimatedContentTransitionScope<S>.() -> ContentTransform = {
        (fadeIn(animationSpec = tween(220, delayMillis = 90)) +
            scaleIn(initialScale = 0.92f, animationSpec = tween(220, delayMillis = 90)))
            .togetherWith(fadeOut(animationSpec = tween(90)))
    contentAlignment: Alignment = Alignment.TopStart,
    label: String = "AnimatedContent",
    contentKey: (targetState: S) -> Any? = { it },
    content: @Composable() AnimatedContentScope.(targetState: S) -> Unit