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Material 3
. Since 1.1.0


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<a href="" class="external" target="_blank">Material Design search</a>.

A search bar represents a floating search field that allows users to enter a keyword or phrase and get relevant information. It can be used as a way to navigate through an app via search queries.

An active search bar expands into a search "view" and can be used to display dynamic suggestions.

!Search bar image(

A DockedSearchBar displays search results in a bounded table below the input field. It is meant to be an alternative to SearchBar when expanding to full-screen size is undesirable on large screens such as tablets.

An example looks like:



fun DockedSearchBar(
    query: String,
    onQueryChange: (String) -> Unit,
    onSearch: (String) -> Unit,
    active: Boolean,
    onActiveChange: (Boolean) -> Unit,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    enabled: Boolean = true,
    placeholder: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
    leadingIcon: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
    trailingIcon: @Composable (() -> Unit)? = null,
    shape: Shape = SearchBarDefaults.dockedShape,
    colors: SearchBarColors = SearchBarDefaults.colors(),
    tonalElevation: Dp = SearchBarDefaults.Elevation,
    interactionSource: MutableInteractionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() },
    content: @Composable ColumnScope.() -> Unit,


querythe query text to be shown in the search bar's input field
onQueryChangethe callback to be invoked when the input service updates the query. An updated text comes as a parameter of the callback.
onSearchthe callback to be invoked when the input service triggers the ImeAction.Search action. The current query comes as a parameter of the callback.
activewhether this search bar is active
onActiveChangethe callback to be invoked when this search bar's active state is changed
modifierthe Modifier to be applied to this search bar
enabledcontrols the enabled state of this search bar. When false, this component will not respond to user input, and it will appear visually disabled and disabled to accessibility services.
placeholderthe placeholder to be displayed when the search bar's query is empty.
leadingIconthe leading icon to be displayed at the beginning of the search bar container
trailingIconthe trailing icon to be displayed at the end of the search bar container
shapethe shape of this search bar
colorsSearchBarColors that will be used to resolve the colors used for this search bar in different states. See SearchBarDefaults.colors.
tonalElevationwhen SearchBarColors.containerColor is ColorScheme.surface, a translucent primary color overlay is applied on top of the container. A higher tonal elevation value will result in a darker color in light theme and lighter color in dark theme. See also: Surface.
interactionSourcethe MutableInteractionSource representing the stream of Interactions for this search bar. You can create and pass in your own remembered instance to observe Interactions and customize the appearance / behavior of this search bar in different states.
contentthe content of this search bar that will be displayed below the input fiel