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. Since 0.1.0-dev15


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Material implementation of IndicationInstance that expresses indication via ripples. This IndicationInstance will be used by default in Modifier.indication() if you have a MaterialTheme set in your hierarchy.

RippleIndication responds to Interaction.Pressed by starting a new RippleAnimation, and responds to other interactions by showing a fixed state layer.

By default this Indication with default parameters will be provided by MaterialTheme through, and hence used in interactions such as out of the box. You can also manually create a RippleIndication and provide it to in order to customize its appearance.

@param bounded If true, ripples are clipped by the bounds of the target layout. Unbounded ripples always animate from the target layout center, bounded ripples animate from the touch position. @param radius Effects grow up to this size. If null is provided the size would be calculated based on the target layout size. @param color The Ripple color is usually the same color used by the text or iconography in the component. If Color.Unspecified is provided the color will be calculated by RippleTheme.defaultColor. This color will then have RippleTheme.rippleOpacity applied



    "Replaced with rememberRippleIndication",
        "rememberRippleIndication(bounded, radius, color)",
fun RippleIndication(
    bounded: Boolean = true,
    radius: Dp? = null,
    color: Color = Color.Unspecified


boundedIf true, ripples are clipped by the bounds of the target layout. Unbounded ripples always animate from the target layout center, bounded ripples animate from the touch position.
radiusEffects grow up to this size. If null is provided the size would be calculated based on the target layout size.
colorThe Ripple color is usually the same color used by the text or iconography in the component. If Color.Unspecified is provided the color will be calculated by RippleTheme.defaultColor. This color will then have RippleTheme.rippleOpacity applie