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Wear Material
. Since 1.0.0-alpha07


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CurvedText is a component allowing developers to easily write curved text following the curvature a circle (usually at the edge of a circular screen). CurvedText can be only created within the CurvedRow to ensure the best experience, like being able to specify to positioning.

The default style uses the LocalTextStyle provided by the MaterialTheme / components, converting it to a CurvedTextStyle. Note that not all parameters are used by CurvedText.

If you are setting your own style, you may want to consider first retrieving LocalTextStyle, and using TextStyle.copy to keep any theme defined attributes, only modifying the specific attributes you want to override, then convert to CurvedTextStyle

For ease of use, commonly used parameters from CurvedTextStyle are also present here. The order of precedence is as follows:

  • If a parameter is explicitly set here (i.e, it is not null or TextUnit.Unspecified), then this parameter will always be used.
  • If a parameter is not set, (null or TextUnit.Unspecified), then the corresponding value from style will be used instead.

Additionally, for color, if color is not set, and style does not have a color, then LocalContentColor will be used with an alpha of LocalContentAlpha- this allows this CurvedText or element containing this CurvedText to adapt to different background colors and still maintain contrast and accessibility.



fun CurvedRowScope.CurvedText(
    text: String,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    color: Color = Color.Unspecified,
    background: Color = Color.Unspecified,
    fontSize: TextUnit = TextUnit.Unspecified,
    style: CurvedTextStyle = CurvedTextStyle(LocalTextStyle.current),
    clockwise: Boolean = true,
    contentArcPadding: ArcPaddingValues = ArcPaddingValues(0.dp),


textThe text to display
colorColor to apply to the text. If Color.Unspecified, and style has no color set, this will be LocalContentColor.
fontSizeThe size of glyphs to use when painting the text. See TextStyle.fontSize.
styleSpecified the style to use.
backgroundThe background color for the text.
clockwiseThe direction the text follows (default is true). Usually text at the top of the screen goes clockwise, and text at the bottom goes counterclockwise.
contentArcPaddingAllows to specify additional space along each "edge" of the content in Dp see ArcPaddingValues