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Component in Material Compose



A composable that can be dismissed by swiping left or right.

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dependencies {


fun SwipeToDismiss(
    state: DismissState,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    directions: Set<DismissDirection> = setOf(EndToStart, StartToEnd),
    dismissThresholds: (DismissDirection) -> ThresholdConfig = {
    background: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit,
    dismissContent: @Composable RowScope.() -> Unit


stateThe state of this component.
modifierOptional [Modifier] for this component.
directionsThe set of directions in which the component can be dismissed.
dismissThresholdsThe thresholds the item needs to be swiped in order to be dismissed.
backgroundA composable that is stacked behind the content and is exposed when the content is swiped. You can/should use the [state] to have different backgrounds on each side.
dismissContentThe content that can be dismissed.

Code Example


fun SwipeToDismissListItems() {
    // This is an example of a list of dismissible items, similar to what you would see in an
    // email app. Swiping left reveals a 'delete' icon and swiping right reveals a 'done' icon.
    // The background will start as grey, but once the dismiss threshold is reached, the colour
    // will animate to red if you're swiping left or green if you're swiping right. When you let
    // go, the item will animate out of the way if you're swiping left (like deleting an email) or
    // back to its default position if you're swiping right (like marking an email as read/unread).
    LazyColumn {
        items(items) { item ->
            var unread by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
            val dismissState = rememberDismissState(
                confirmStateChange = {
                    if (it == DismissedToEnd) unread = !unread
                    it != DismissedToEnd
                state = dismissState,
                modifier = Modifier.padding(vertical = 4.dp),
                directions = setOf(StartToEnd, EndToStart),
                background = {
                    val direction = dismissState.dismissDirection ?: return@SwipeToDismiss
                    val color by animateColorAsState(
                        when (dismissState.targetValue) {
                            Default -> Color.LightGray
                            DismissedToEnd -> Color.Green
                            DismissedToStart -> Color.Red
                    val alignment = when (direction) {
                        StartToEnd -> Alignment.CenterStart
                        EndToStart -> Alignment.CenterEnd
                    val icon = when (direction) {
                        StartToEnd -> Icons.Default.Done
                        EndToStart -> Icons.Default.Delete
                    val scale by animateFloatAsState(
                        if (dismissState.targetValue == Default) 0.75f else 1f

                        Modifier.fillMaxSize().background(color).padding(horizontal = 20.dp),
                        contentAlignment = alignment
                    ) {
                            contentDescription = "Localized description",
                            modifier = Modifier.scale(scale)
                dismissContent = {
                        elevation = animateDpAsState(
                            if (dismissState.dismissDirection != null) 4.dp else 0.dp
                    ) {
                            text = {
                                Text(item, fontWeight = if (unread) FontWeight.Bold else null)
                            secondaryText = { Text("Swipe me left or right!") }