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Component in Material 3 Compose



Progress indicators express an unspecified wait time or display the duration of a process.

Linear progress indicator

Last updated:


dependencies {


    message =
        "Use the overload that takes `gapSize` and `drawStopIndicator`, see " +
            "`LegacyLinearProgressIndicatorSample` on how to restore the previous behavior",
    replaceWith =
            "LinearProgressIndicator(progress, modifier, color, trackColor, strokeCap, " +
                "gapSize, drawStopIndicator)"
    level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN

fun LinearProgressIndicator(
    progress: () -> Float,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    color: Color = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.linearColor,
    trackColor: Color = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.linearTrackColor,
    strokeCap: StrokeCap = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.LinearStrokeCap,


progressthe progress of this progress indicator, where 0.0 represents no progress and 1.0 represents full progress. Values outside of this range are coerced into the range.
modifierthe [Modifier] to be applied to this progress indicator
colorcolor of this progress indicator
trackColorcolor of the track behind the indicator, visible when the progress has not reached the area of the overall indicator yet
strokeCapstroke cap to use for the ends of this progress indicator
fun LinearProgressIndicator(
    progress: () -> Float,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    color: Color = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.linearColor,
    trackColor: Color = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.linearTrackColor,
    strokeCap: StrokeCap = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.LinearStrokeCap,
    gapSize: Dp = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.LinearIndicatorTrackGapSize,
    drawStopIndicator: DrawScope.() -> Unit = {
            drawScope = this,
            stopSize = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.LinearTrackStopIndicatorSize,
            color = color,
            strokeCap = strokeCap


progressthe progress of this progress indicator, where 0.0 represents no progress and 1.0 represents full progress. Values outside of this range are coerced into the range.
modifierthe [Modifier] to be applied to this progress indicator
colorcolor of this progress indicator
trackColorcolor of the track behind the indicator, visible when the progress has not reached the area of the overall indicator yet
strokeCapstroke cap to use for the ends of this progress indicator
gapSizesize of the gap between the progress indicator and the track
drawStopIndicatorlambda that will be called to draw the stop indicator
    message =
        "Use the overload that takes `gapSize`, see `" +
            "LegacyIndeterminateLinearProgressIndicatorSample` on how to restore the previous behavior",
    replaceWith =
        ReplaceWith("LinearProgressIndicator(modifier, color, trackColor, strokeCap, gapSize)"),
    level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN

fun LinearProgressIndicator(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    color: Color = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.linearColor,
    trackColor: Color = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.linearTrackColor,
    strokeCap: StrokeCap = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.LinearStrokeCap,


modifierthe [Modifier] to be applied to this progress indicator
colorcolor of this progress indicator
trackColorcolor of the track behind the indicator, visible when the progress has not reached the area of the overall indicator yet
strokeCapstroke cap to use for the ends of this progress indicator
fun LinearProgressIndicator(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    color: Color = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.linearColor,
    trackColor: Color = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.linearTrackColor,
    strokeCap: StrokeCap = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.LinearStrokeCap,
    gapSize: Dp = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.LinearIndicatorTrackGapSize,


modifierthe [Modifier] to be applied to this progress indicator
colorcolor of this progress indicator
trackColorcolor of the track behind the indicator, visible when the progress has not reached the area of the overall indicator yet
strokeCapstroke cap to use for the ends of this progress indicator
gapSizesize of the gap between the progress indicator and the track
@Deprecated("Maintained for binary compatibility", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN
fun LinearProgressIndicator(
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    color: Color = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.linearColor,
    trackColor: Color = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.linearTrackColor,
@Deprecated("Maintained for binary compatibility", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN
fun LinearProgressIndicator(
    progress: Float,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    color: Color = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.linearColor,
    trackColor: Color = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.linearTrackColor,
    message = "Use the overload that takes `progress` as a lambda",
    replaceWith =
            "LinearProgressIndicator(\n" +
                "progress = { progress },\n" +
                "modifier = modifier,\n" +
                "color = color,\n" +
                "trackColor = trackColor,\n" +
                "strokeCap = strokeCap,\n" +

fun LinearProgressIndicator(
    progress: Float,
    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
    color: Color = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.linearColor,
    trackColor: Color = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.linearTrackColor,
    strokeCap: StrokeCap = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.LinearStrokeCap,

Code Examples


fun LinearProgressIndicatorSample() {
    var progress by remember { mutableStateOf(0.1f) }
    val animatedProgress by
            targetValue = progress,
            animationSpec = ProgressIndicatorDefaults.ProgressAnimationSpec

    Column(horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally) {
            progress = { animatedProgress },
        Text("Set progress:")
            modifier = Modifier.width(300.dp),
            value = progress,
            valueRange = 0f..1f,
            onValueChange = { progress = it },


fun IndeterminateLinearProgressIndicatorSample() {
    Column(horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally) { LinearProgressIndicator() }